District 7450 Interact Conference

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Chichester High School

3333 Chichester Ave Boothwyn, PA 19061

Who Should Attend:


Any Interactor or prospective member and Interact Club Advisors!!  Rotaracters, Club Liaisons, and any Rotarians wanting to get involved with our youth programs are also welcome.  

Join your fellow Interactors  and make a big impact!  Learn about service opportunities, fundraising, leadership, what other clubs are doing, and participate in an International Project (Rise Against Hunger)!  See what opportunities our district has just for you!

About  The Interact Conference


8:30 am – Project Set-up for those who can come early

9:00 am – Registration & Rise Against Hunger Food Packing Project (we will pack 10,000 meals!)

11:30 am – Clean up, Lunch

12:30 pm – Plenary session

1:30 pm -2:50 “Break out” sessions:

  • Fundraising
  • Service
  • Leadership
  • Advisors & Liaisons

2:45-3:30 – Wrap up and Pop-up Talks


Leadership Breakout Session

The Leadership breakout is for anyone who wants to learn about a leadership techniques.

Service Breakout Session

Learn from your fellow Interacters how they make an impact locally and abroad – and fit service into their very busy schedules!  Share your ideas!

Fundraising Breakout Session

Learn how clubs raise funds for their service projects. Share your experience raising money for the Rise Against Hunger project.


Pricing &  Registration


  • How is this different than RYLA?
    • RYLA is a comprehensive leadership training weekend.  This 7 hour conference is intended for Interactors and Rotaractors who can not attend RYLA so that they too can participate in this wonderful International project, and get a chance to meet fellow Interactors and Rotaractors from around the district.
  • How many can attend from my club?
    • We encourage as many as possible!  Our venue this year is large enough that if we have a lot attend and raise more than enough for 10,000 meals, we can pack more!!!  The more the merrier!
  • What happens if we can’t raise the $60 per attendee?
    • The $60 per attendee figure is based on the $3500 it will cost to pay for the food for the 10000 meals food packing with 58 attendees.  If your club was not successful at raising this amount, no worries – it is our hope that another club was a bit more successful and can contribute more!  Also, you can pledge an amount and fundraise for the project later.  We’ve got you covered! It’s called working together – together we’ll support each other and make it work.  If we raise more than the $3500, we’ll decide at the conference how to put those funds to good use!

Other Questions?  Use the ‘Contact Us’ box below!

Don’t Forget!

Send your consent form to: District 7450 Interact Conference PO Box 125 Chester Heights PA 19017 or scan and send to Interact7450@gmail.com

Contact Us